These Signature features are available in Outlook 2007+
How to Create One or More Signatures in Outlook Email
Multiple personalized signatures can be created for your Outlook email messages. They can include images, logos, text or even an image of your handwritten signature or your electronic business card.
Signatures can be selected for each email or a default one created to be automatically added to all outgoing messages. For example, you could create one for personal use, business(es), and organizations you represent.
Steps to create Signatures
Note: If you already have a signature block set up somewhere, you can copy and paste it into the Signatures feature rather than creating from scratch at Step 5 below.
Signatures can be set up in File | Options | Mail | Signatures but a much quicker way is to just create them directly from the Inbox:
- Create New Email icon (or CTRL N)
On the Message tab | Include group, click Signature drop down and then the Signatures… button
- In the Select signature to edit box, choose New, and in the New Signature dialog box, type a name to identify the signature.
Under Choose default signature, set these options:
- In the E-mail account list, choose an email account to associate with the signature. You can have different signatures for each email account.
- In the New messages list, choose the signature that you want to be added automatically to all new email messages. If you don’t want to auto sign your new email messages, accept the default option of (none).
- In the Replies/forwards list, choose the signature that you want to be added automatically (auto sign) when you reply to or forward messages. Otherwise, accept the default option of (none).
- In the E-mail account list, choose an email account to associate with the signature. You can have different signatures for each email account.
- Under Edit signature, type the signature (or paste, if already created), and then click OK.
Use the formatting toolbar above the text box to change font, size, color, and note the icons on the right for inserting pictures (logos) and also social media icons and links.
Note: This signature was created in Word to take advantage of the robust formatting features and then copied and pasted into the signature block.
Each new message you create from now on will auto insert your default signature (if you selected that option).
Insert a Created Signature Manually
If you don’t want to insert a signature automatically for all new messages or replies and forwards, insert a signature manually:
- Inside the email message, click the drop down arrow on Signature icon in the Include group on the ribbon,
- Choose desired signature from the list
Signatures in Office 365 Outlook on the Web
Note: If using Outlook on the Web (also business edition) in Office 365, you need to create a signature in each one. (The desktop Outlook signature will not automatically transfer to Outlook on the Web or Outlook.com).
Automatically Add Your Signature to Every Message in Web Outlook
If the signature has already been created, you can have it auto added to all outgoing messages (including replies and forwards):
Sign in to Outlook Web App
Click App launcher grid and choose Outlook:
- Click the gear icon at upper right and choose Settings | Options
- Under Options, choose Settings | Mail (or Mail | Layout | Email
- Under Email signature, click or clear the Automatically include my signature on messages I send check box to either include or exclude your signature at the bottom of all outgoing messages
Manually adding signatures in Web Outlook is the same as Outlook.com below except that there is an Insert command on the Menu bar where you can select Signature for individual emails.
Insert Signature in Outlook.com Email
Automatic for Every Message
- In Outlook Mail, click the gear icon at upper right on button bar
- Click Options
- Click Email signature under Layout
- Under Email signature, click or clear the Automatically include my signature on messages I send and the forward or reply check boxes to either include or exclude your signature at the bottom of all outgoing messages.
- Click Save
Manually Insert a Signature for Individual Emails
In your Outlook Mail screen:
- Create New Email
- Click the ellipsis (three dots) at end of Menu bar above email form
- Click Insert signature
- Type or paste desired signature in the Add a message… box
- Use the Insert Picture icon at the bottom of the form to add a logo or graphic
- Create or paste your signature with or without graphic…
Now you have all the parts of your life covered!
Have you created multiple signatures or do you use the same one for all emails? Let me know in the Comments below.
More ways to make Outlook work for you… Taming tips for Email!